Florida Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired

FAER Awards
The FAER Awards Committee is pleased to announce that up to ten awards will be presented at our FAER Conference in fall of 2025. The nomination form will be posted and shared soon. Recipients will be honored at the Conference during the awards luncheon. In order to honor Floridians who have made significant contributions to improving the lives of those who are visually impaired, nominees for the following awards are being sought:
The Leadership in Government Award
This award is for the person who has demonstrated the greatest leadership on a federal, state, county or local level in Florida. Activities of this person must have produced a positive impact on the social and/or economic well-being of persons who are blind and visually impaired in Florida. Each nomination should include a specific description of the individual’s work and specific benefits received by persons who are blind or visually impaired.
The Outstanding Achievement by a Person with a Visual Impairment
This award is for a Floridian who is blind or visually impaired and judged the most outstanding in personal and professional endeavors, such as career activities, family and community involvement, and membership in civic and professional organizations. Each nomination should include documentation of the individual’s work performance, volunteer work, and membership in civic and professional groups, etc.
The Outstanding Rehabilitation Professional for the Blind Award
This award is for the Rehabilitation or Orientation and Mobility Specialist, working primarily with blind or visually impaired adults in Florida, who has made an outstanding contribution in service to these individuals. Each nomination should document the individual’s achievements in specific areas and benefits to persons who are blind and visually impaired.
The Outstanding Educator of the Blind Award
This award is for the Teacher, Orientation and Mobility Specialist, Professor, or Administrator of Educational Services who has made a significant impact on or contribution to teaching blind or visually impaired children in Florida. Each nomination should include supportive documentation of the nominee’s achievements and their effects upon the students’ learning.
The Medical Achievement Award
This award is for the Floridian who has made the most outstanding medical-related contribution to the field of blindness.
Nominees may be ophthalmologists, optometrists, or any others whose medical work has benefited persons who are blind or visually impaired. Achievement areas may include documentation (articles, letters, etc.) describing specific contributions and benefits to persons who are blind or visually impaired.
The News-Media Award
This award is for an individual or organization involved in the dissemination of information to the public about blindness. Nominees may include TV and radio stations, newspapers, advertising agencies, author, etc. Nominees will have produced or disseminated articles or programming which enhances public awareness of issues and information concerning a person or persons who are blind or visually impaired. Nominees should document times and dates of programs or stories, and results of these efforts.
The Outstanding Achievement by a Paraprofessional Award
This award is for a person employed as a paraprofessional in work with persons who are blind or visually impaired. Examples of such persons include program aides, transportation workers, clerical or administrative support staff, etc. The individual selected must have made significant contributions to programs, activities or persons by his/her efforts and attitudes in performing his/her job functions. Nominations should include some specific examples of activities and their impact on programs in the field of blindness.
The Innovator of the Year Award
This award is for the Floridian whose creativity has had the greatest impact during the previous year on the education or rehabilitation of persons who are blind or visually impaired. Innovations may be in service delivery systems, teaching techniques, technology curriculum, etc. Nominations should include documentation of the innovation and its impact on the lives of persons who are blind or visually impaired.
The Outstanding Volunteer Award
This award is for an individual who is working without remuneration with persons who are blind or visually impaired. This person must have demonstrated outstanding commitment and concern for those with whom he/she works. Nominations should include the number of volunteer hours, specific activities, and examples of the nominee’s contributions to activities or to other individuals.
The Most Promising Visually Impaired High School Senior Award
This award is for a graduating High School Senior who has shown achievement through school and community involvement and academic accomplishments as well as by overcoming obstacles as necessary to obtain independence and self-sufficiency.
Nominations should include supportive documentation such as letters of recommendation, awards, and grade-reports.