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FAER Scholarships

The FAER Awards Committee is pleased to provide two scholarships annually to students pursuing degrees in visual disabilities. The application deadline is November 1, 2024. By accepting an FAER Scholarship, a recipient pledges to be employed, following graduation, in a program or agency serving individuals with visual impairments in the State of Florida.  This employment will be required for the duration of the funding that was received. For example, a student who has received funding for two semesters (nine months) will provide service in an education, rehabilitation or related Florida position for at least nine months, or the funding will be returned to FAER. Should repayment not be made, collection agency intervention will be applied, and potential employers notified. See descriptions of the available scholarships below. 

General Scholarship in the Field of Visual Impairment

FAER scholarships are limited to upper-class undergraduate (junior and seniors) and graduate students who have been admitted as degree seeking students enrolled for at least 3 hours in a qualifying program at an institution of higher education that prepares professionals to provide services to individuals with visual impairments. Applicants can be preparing to provide services as teachers of students with visual impairments, assistive technology instructional specialists, vocational rehabilitation therapists, or low vision therapists.  The scholarships may be granted prior to enrollment, but payment will require verification of enrollment each semester of its duration.

General Scholarship Information.

Purvis Ponder Honorarium

This award is in memory of Purvis Ponder as a tribute to his years of dedication, commitment, and leadership within the field of orientation and mobility for persons with disabilities.  The intent of this award it to keep the spirit of Purvis’ life work alive by assisting others to also follow in the course of study of orientation and mobility.


The Purvis Ponder Memorial Honorarium is limited to graduate students who have been admitted as degree seeking students enrolled and are enrolled for at least 3 hours in a qualifying program at an institution of higher education that prepares professionals to provide orientation and mobility services to individuals with visual impairments. The scholarship(s) may be granted prior to enrollment, but payment will require verification of enrollment each semester of its duration.

Purvis Ponder Honorarium Application Information.

Past Scholarship Winners

Congratulations to the many scholarship recipients over the years! We are so proud to know many of these graduates continue to serve in the field of visual disabilities: Scholarship Recipients. 

Scholarship recipient holding a plaque with past scholarship winners. The recipient is with her mother and sister.
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© 2024 Florida Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired 

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