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Become a AER Member

No time like the present to become a part of the AER community. There are many benefits to being a an AER member:

  • Valuable Professional Networking Connections with colleagues throughout Florida and the nation

  • An opportunity to grow essential leadership skills through active board/committee participation

  • FAER Newsletter published biannually which includes motivational columns, new trends, calendars of statewide activities, and conference updates

  • Annual FAER Conference participation which focuses on best practices and research that will improve student/client outcomes

  • Access to Annual Scholarships and Awards

  • Advocacy Efforts both in Florida and nationally

  • Affiliation with National AER which offers:

    • National and Divisional Conferences which focus on the latest research and techniques

    • “AER Voice,” Monthly Online Newsletter with updates in eye research, legislative actions, and critical topic position papers

    • Annual online subscription to “Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness” (JVIB)

    • Professional Development Webinars for continuing education opportunities

    • Online Discussion Groups with colleagues

    • Job Exchange


In our highly specialized field with its limited numbers, FAER members look to each other for support and feedback as questions/challenges arise in the home, in the classroom or on the sidewalk. Be an active member through participation on a FAER Committee.

Learn more about the benefits of AER membership and how to become an AER member.

Join an FAER Committee

FAER needs you! Are you interested in supporting other professionals in the field and giving back to your local chapter? Check out the committees below to learn more. 

Membership Committee:

The function of the Membership Committee shall be to organize and direct the membership activities of the Florida Chapter, within the policies approved by the Board and the Florida Chapter. The Committee shall make recommendations to the Board with respect to such membership activities. Contact Leanne Grillot at to inquire about serving as a Membership committee member. 

Communication Committee:

The function of the Communication Committee shall be to facilitate communication of chapter activities and news with the membership through regular updating of the website maintained by the Florida Chapter and through other electronic means. In addition, the Communication Committee shall be responsible for sharing information about new legislation affecting the education and rehabilitation of persons with visual impairment for the Florida Chapter. Contact Andrea Wallace at to inquire about serving as a Communication committee member. 

Nominations Committee

The function of the Nominations Committee shall be to nominate members in good standing who are willing to serve for each of the Florida Chapter’s offices except for the office of President, which shall be filled by succession of the previously elected President-Elect, unless the provision of Article IV, Section 5 of these Bylaws have been invoked due to a vacancy in the office of the President-Elect, whereupon, the Nominations Committee shall nominate members in good standing who are willing to serve for the office of President. The Committee shall nominate members in good standing who are willing to serve for each vacancy among the four (4) Board members-at-Large. Every effort shall be made by the Committee to present a slate of officers and directors with at least two (2) nominees per vacancy.

Conference Committee

The function of the Conference Committee shall be to recommend an appropriate time and place for the Florida Chapter’s conference. The Conference Committee shall also recommend appropriate content for the conference’s program and shall take responsibility for any resulting details in planning said conference. The board shall vote to approve or disapprove all recommendations of the Committee. The President shall serve as chairperson of the Conference Committee and be assisted by the President-Elect. Contact Elizabeth Anderson at to inquire. 

Awards Committee

The function of the Awards Committee shall be to poll the Florida Chapter’s membership for nominations and make selections for awards. The Board shall determine the number and categories for all awards. Contact Amy Johnson at to inquire about serving as a Awards committee member. 

Scholarship Committee

The function of the Scholarship Committee shall be to organize, manage, and direct all scholarship activities of the Florida Chapter, except management of scholarship funds, which shall be the responsibility of the Florida Chapter’s Treasurer. All such organizations, management and direction shall be in accordance with policies approved by the Board of Directors. The committee, through its chairperson, shall make  recommendations to the Board with respect to such policies and activities. Contact Venetia Hayden at to inquire about serving on the Scholarship committee.

Get involved icon images (envelope, speech bubbles, award certificate, award ribbon, and graduation cap)
  • FAER Facebook Link
  • FAER Instagram Link
  • FAER Twitter

© 2024 Florida Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired 

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